Air reservoirs are equipment highly used in pneumatic processes within engineering. Such equipment can often have discontinuities and defects that prevent them from operating efficiently. From the need to recover the potential of this machine, it is interesting to apply nondestructive tests that can monitor parts and control the quality of the equipment, through methods that provide important information about product defects, and present low operating costs and do not damage the machine. Thus, the objective of this work was to apply visual inspection, liquid penetrate inspection and ultrasonic testing in a compressed air reservoir of a didactic pneumatic bench, to detect discontinuities and, thus, try to eliminate them. Thus, after the equipment went through a sanding process, it was verified the presence of incrustations inside, through the use of the ECO-610 Endoscope and, through small holes, through the liquid penetrate inspection, which allowed the filling of such holes with application of filler metal by MAG welding method. As results, after the recovery, the reservoir passed again the nondestructive tests performed, showing no problems. Finally, a test with pressure above work was performed in which no failure occurred, which ensured the effectiveness of the process.
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